Bonjour Boners! Warmth and Wonder and Tatas OUT, babies.... much fun today on my youtube LIVE Talked about Crotch Heavy Maintenance My Mom Can Beat Up Your Mom Greenpoint Gallery WINNING and more silliness to keep you gigglin...
Bonjour Boners! I switched over to youtube for the LIVE today and what a fun time I had; Talked about some of my personal Hole Goals, the satisfaction of getting pictures taken by strangers, ART ART and more ART, and a few ot...
bonjour boners! lotsa fun was had on today's show; from Anacondas to Mormons, this episode really brings the laughs hoping it brings you much joy xoxo Jess
bonjour boners! what fun we had today: homeless in the deli, some singing silliness, words can be wonderful and much more to help you get through the week thankful for ya xo Jess be good to yourself an others cashapp $getjess...
bonjour boners! whatta fun show today: halftime history, pirate in flares, art saves lives and more. thanks for all the love and support keep breathing and spread the love xoxo Jess
bonjour boners, hoping this episode brings you some peace, some laughter and some relief I'm chatting about; Lunar New Year Green Tints and the Grammy's plus more silliness than you can shake yer tiddies at Enjoy and share wi...
bonjour boners! today's episode is all about ART and REBELLIOUS action saving lives! Nick Cave Art SAVES Deewishclips SAVES and most of all LOVING each other SAVES this 30min is chock full o'fun to combat the nasty effects of...
Bonjour Boners, thanks for joining me on another adventure through my week! I'm chatting about: Arctic Blast vs Finger Blast The Last Showgirl YT People #@*% and more Thanks for sharing/commenting and supporting xoxo Jess
bonjour boners, thanks for being with me today...I've been quite emotional as I imagine a lot of you have been as well. However, I'm bringing joy, laughter and some tears to todays ep. and I believe it's helping...hoping it b...
Bonjour, boners! Thanks to everyone who made it to the live -it's on IG every Tuesday 2pm eastern if ya wanna come thru This week I'm telling the story of my ACID on New Years eve - Peakin' at the Beacon, then no sleep and ba...
Bonjour Boners! Thank you so much for another amazing year here. I'm overwhelmed with love and gratitude for all y'all! Your feedback and support has kept me smiling all year....I'm so lucky to have such awesome listeners who...
Bonjour Boners! What fun it was to ride and play on a Christmas eve today! Maintenance Police! How Cold Was It! Underpants Time! and more silliness than you can shake your tiddies at! Thanks for leaving 5stars and a review! T...
Bonjour Boners! Great show today with my fabu vintage coat and my fun vintage takes! I'm talkin today about those UFO sightings, a lil Chivalry on the Subway, stories about the Nutcracker ballet and more! Enjoy and share with...
Bonjour Boners! what a fun show today.... this week I'm chatting about: on a mission to donate to a mission (more than once a year) hot bodega babe go see Jackie Beat immediately and more silliness than you can shake your tid...
Bonjour Boners! a jam packed show today filled with tasty goodies like your favorite pie; Medication Garlands! Stained Leotards! Fighting Tourists! and more silliness than you can shake your tiddies at Share with your friends...
bonjour boners! fun was had on today's show: Hot Tamales, XMas and it's Musics, Auntie, Mama and more make an appearance....and more silly shhhh from the week to help you have a better week/day/moment sendin hugs n laughs xox...
bonjour boners! whatta fun show today: Mama makes an appearance Cauldron Park Magic Dirty Dix and more fun than you can shake your tiddies at! love and laughs for your week, xoxo Jess
bonjour boners, I'm catching up on the last two weeks of wildness: Halloween Shenanigans I've got jokes on SIRUIUSXM channel 99 Martha on Netflix will inspire you... and more fun than you can shake a d@ck at ! xox Jess
bonjour boners started this weeks show with a review of a documentary I gotta take the sexual harrassment test at work some kid poked my bag on the subway "that comedian" and more silliness to keep you entertained during this...
Bonjour boners, another fun and fantastic show this week! genexers need a dating app get your puswah in order the ghost of mama el and more to keep ya laughing xox Jess
bonjour, boners! whatta fun show this week: misspelled tattoos secret weed spots trendy pork buns and more silliness to spice up your life!
bonjour boners, today's show is filled with tears: talkin' about family & being raised gen-x, plus some looks into no-no-no-torious lyrics, and death...lotsa death I'm feelin my feels and it feels right love yall, Jess
bonjour, boners! thanks to everyone who gave their fantastic reviews and to those who didn't underrstand the assignment...hilarious. on this weeks episode I'm telling a couple of subway stories, a few comedy shoow quickies, a...
Bonjour Boners, Another fun silly and informative show this week I'm all oiled up like I work for the Piddler Amerikkka needs to apologize Janes Addiction Shows Russian Doctors Gentle Hands and more wildness to distract you f...