Welcome to Get Wood and her new website!
Jan. 24, 2023

Tempura-a tribute

Tempura-a tribute

Shecky Beagleman (not her real name) was an amazing and inspiring comedic  performer. She passed away almost a montha ago and I'm pretty sure she's sending us all messages from beyond...the title of this episode is both part of a joke of hers and what I believe to have been a message from her this week...listen and lemme know what ya think. Also, Happy Lunar New Year of the water Rabbit! And a woman was made extra cheerful after she won a vibrator at a show I hosted this weekend....a vibrator makes everyone happier I think, don't you? Let's meet up again next Tuesday and I'll tell ya some more fun stories! You wanna send me some directly? DM me on IG @getwood

xoxoxox Jess